Divine Destiny Accelerator: A 6 weeks Journey to Unleash Your Cosmic Potential

Attention: If You Feel Like Your Life Doesn't Reflect Who You Are, Discover How to Align Your Career with Your Inner Truth. Shift from a lack of personal alignment to living and working in true harmony with your core values, without fear of judgment or failure, all within 6 weeks

"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put into every heart." Rumi

Only 25% of Americans say they have clear meaning in their lives.

 You're not alone on your journey to discover and embrace your divine destiny.

... If this resonates with you, then keep reading, because I'm about to share something profound with you.

Feeling Stuck or Lost? Are you wandering through life searching for a deeper meaning or purpose, feeling as though you're meant for something more but just can't pinpoint what it is? You want to change your life and pursue your dreams, but you don't know how. You feel stuck in a rut, unable to see a way out.

Doubting Your Decisions? Do you often find yourself paralyzed by indecision, with inside voices overwhelming your thoughts and holding you back from making bold choices?

Seeking Authenticity? Have you ever felt like you're wearing a mask, playing roles that society expects of you, rather than being true to your authentic self, craving a life that's aligned with your deepest values and passions?

Desiring Clarity and Direction? Do you wish for a clear vision of your future, one where your dreams and ambitions aren't just fantasies but achievable realities, and you have a concrete plan to achieve them?

Looking for Fulfillment? Are you on the hunt for a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond material success, one that fills you with joy, passion, and a sense of contribution to something greater than yourself?

Lacking Freedom and Autonomy? You feel stifled and confined by your current situation, whether it's a demanding job, an unfulfilling relationship, or societal expectations. You yearn for independence and the freedom to make your own choices.

Yearning for Spiritual Connection? Is there a part of you that seeks a deeper spiritual connection, longing to tap into a source of guidance and wisdom that feels currently out of reach?


If you see yourself in any of these scenarios, the Divine Destiny Accelerator course is designed with you in mind. This 21-day journey is not just about quieting the internal voices of doubt and fear; it's about embarking on a profound path of self-discovery, aligning with your core values, igniting your passions, and ultimately, crafting a life that's in true harmony with your divine destiny. 

Don't climb the ladder, build one that matters.

What's Included?

55 Lessons: Your will receive daily teachings to illuminate your path, ensuring each step is aligned with your deeper self.

Profound daily Practices & Meditations: Dive into soul-stirring practices and meditations crafted to help you connect with your innermost essence.

Tapping Exercises: Experience the transformative power of tapping, designed to release blockages and open channels of abundance, clarity, and deeper sense of peace. 

Reflective Journaling Prompts: Journey inward with introspective prompts, designed to help you peel back the layers of your consciousness, uncovering the essence of your divine destiny.

Manifestation Techniques: Learn the secrets of turning desires into realities, setting the stage for your dreams to materialize in your life.

Life Assessment Tools: Critically evaluate where you stand, visualize where you aim to be, and strategically bridge the gap. These tools offer clarity and direction, paving the way for a purpose-driven life aligned with your divine destiny.

Awaken Your Divine Destiny 

Week 1

Awaken Your Divine Destiny  

This week you will build a strong foundation for your journey. You'll set clear intentions, engage with exercises to uncover and transcend your inner barriers, and refine your ability to listen to your intuition. Additionally, you will develop empowering daily routines that support your overall well-being. This initial week is crucial for establishing the practices that will guide your transformative journey towards realizing your divine destiny.


Your Inner 


Week 2

Embrace Your Inner Protectors

This week is dedicated to uncovering and understanding the parts of yourself that have been silently shaping your decisions and life path. Through guided reflections, exercises, and insightful teachings, you'll learn to listen to these inner voices with compassion, recognize their intentions, and gently shift their influence from limiting to empowering. Prepare to meet and embrace these aspects of your psyche, setting the stage for profound self-discovery and the awakening of your true potential.

Deepen Your Self Understanding

Week 4 & 5 

Construct Your Pillars of Self-Understanding

This comprehensive section delves into crucial areas of personal growth, including uncovering wisdom from your life journey, aligning with your core values, embracing your natural qualities, and igniting your passion. Each pillar is designed to guide you closer to a profound understanding of your true self, your intrinsic motivations, and the unique gifts you bring to the world. This journey through the 9 Pillars ensures that you're not just dreaming about your purpose but actively aligning your daily life with it.

Manifest Your Divine Destiny

Week 6

Actualize Your True Purpose

You'll integrate the insights and growth achieved during the program to craft a personalized, actionable plan for manifesting your divine destiny. This section is about bridging the gap between dreams and reality, using the tools and understanding you've gained to create a life that resonates with your true self. It's time to take empowered steps towards living the life you were meant to live, supported by a clear vision and a heart full of purpose.

Bonus #1 

Awaken Your Divine Path EFT Series

(valued at $500)

Awaken Your Divine Destiny Tapping Series is designed to empower you through Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or tapping. This series targets key emotional and psychological barriers—such as fear, limiting beliefs, and past wounds—that may impede the path to realizing one's divine purpose. Each of the seven carefully crafted tapping sessions offers a step-by-step process to release these barriers, cultivate inner strength, and manifest one's visions into reality. Engage with daily practices that guide you from acknowledging deep-seated challenges to embracing and activating your divine destiny with confidence, abundance, and alignment. This challenge is your invitation to transform internal landscapes into a foundation of empowerment for fulfilling your highest potential.

Bonus #2 

Trust Life 7 day Meditation Challenge

(valued at $300)

For so long I thought my product was the problem. I’d launch and fail, then launch and fail again.

Perseverance and passion pushed me to dig into the details and fine-tune my strategy over the course of two dozen launches.

This is when I discovered the exact formula for writing a winning launch—one that gets you noticed and brings you sales.

And the best part? You don’t have to be a professional marketer to create it. All you need is the desire to succeed and my proven system.

Bonus #3 

1 Year Access To My Dream Life App For Holistic Wellbeing

(valued at $1200)

Unlock the full potential of your journey with a complimentary year-long access to the Dream Life App, exclusively for participants of the Divine Destiny Accelerator program. This innovative app is your daily companion for embracing a life aligned with your deepest dreams and aspirations. With features designed to nurture your mind, energize your body, open your heart, and guide you on your soul path, the Dream Life App offers a holistic approach to personal growth and wellness. Experience transformative meditations, actionable insights, and personalized tools to support you in living your most authentic, fulfilled life. Join us and start weaving the life of your dreams today.

Bonus #4 

One 1-1 Coaching Session

(valued at $1000)

Unlock the full potential of your journey with a complimentary year-long access to the Dream Life App, exclusively for participants of the Divine Destiny Accelerator program. This innovative app is your daily companion for embracing a life aligned with your deepest dreams and aspirations. With features designed to nurture your mind, energize your body, open your heart, and guide you on your soul path, the Dream Life App offers a holistic approach to personal growth and wellness. Experience transformative meditations, actionable insights, and personalized tools to support you in living your most authentic, fulfilled life. Join us and start weaving the life of your dreams today.

Bonus #4 

6 Group Coaching Sessions

(valued at $1800)

Unlock the full potential of your journey with a complimentary year-long access to the Dream Life App, exclusively for participants of the Divine Destiny Accelerator program. This innovative app is your daily companion for embracing a life aligned with your deepest dreams and aspirations. With features designed to nurture your mind, energize your body, open your heart, and guide you on your soul path, the Dream Life App offers a holistic approach to personal growth and wellness. Experience transformative meditations, actionable insights, and personalized tools to support you in living your most authentic, fulfilled life. Join us and start weaving the life of your dreams today.

"Your life isn't about a big break. It's about taking one significant life-transforming step at a time."
Oprah Winfrey

Hey There, I  am

Saloua  Lahlou 

Throughout my journey, I've always felt a deep longing for something... more. Beyond the conventional narrative of "work hard, play hard," I yearned for a life rich in abundance yet filled with ease and grace. And let me tell you, when I finally connected with my divine purpose, everything fell into place. Yes, it requires effort, but there's an unspeakable joy in living a life that's in perfect harmony with my true self. Now, I find myself enveloped by nature's beauty, part of a community that values growth and every day is a celebration of living purposefully.

And what about you? I wholeheartedly believe you're entitled to experience this same joy and fulfillment. That's precisely why I've devoted my life to being a dream coach, specifically for women like you, who are on the brink of manifesting their dream lives. The key, I've found, is starting with clear insight into your purpose.

So, are you ready to take this transformative journey with me? Together, we can uncover the clarity you need to step into the life you've always dreamed of – a life where every day is a reflection of living true to your purpose.

Limited sPOTS available FOR YOur 1-1 COaching Bonus

From Burnout to Breakthrough: 

My Path to Purpose

Let’s get personal for a moment. There was a time when I epitomized the jet-setting consultant lifestyle, constantly on the move, living out of suitcases, and equating perpetual busyness with success. But beneath the surface? My well-being was waving a white flag. The universe sent me a stark wake-up call through two heartbreaking miscarriages, a devastating reminder that it was time to pause and truly listen.

Navigating what came next was a road paved with uncertainties. Changing my career trajectory raised so many questions: Would my family understand? How would we manage financially? Was I foolishly chasing an unattainable dream?

Yet, I took the plunge. I traded my frenzied schedule for a journey of self-discovery—immersing myself in books, courses, and transformative coaching sessions. I even made a bold career shift, opting for a remote role that afforded me the precious time to be present as a mom, to reconnect with myself, and to nurture a budding dream: creating a retreat nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a sanctuary for women on the quest to find their own paths.

This journey led me to a profound realization: burning out isn’t a prerequisite for shining brightly. True abundance springs from alignment and the courage to pursue it.

Today, I dedicate myself to helping women gain clarity, guiding them towards their true callings. And as for me? Each day is imbued with purpose, facing challenges with grace, because I am precisely where I’m meant to be.

Listening to Life’s Whispers

“Working with Saloua put a fire under me, and I am able to grow and expand in unexpected ways”


“The program was transformational for me. Ways in which I've been stuck for almost four years opened up and I feel more like myself. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your gift with me. I loved it so much that I did it with my husband.”


Working with Saloua has been life changing!”


“An amazing journey that has opened my eyes to my true calling”


"Even if you have an idea of what your priorities are, Saloua has the amazing ability to help you focus and clear away the extra so you move forward with confidence and make your dreams come true. "


“Saloua's powerful visioning helped move me forward on my path”“


“I would like to thank you for this enlightening program that guided me to see my life path clearly and reminded me to celebrate achievements in life. I liked that the program is a question-based format which assisted me to dig deeper in my soul to unlock my own potential. If anyone would like to transform themselves from who they are to who they want to be, they have reached their destination!”


Divine Destiny Accelerator FAQ

Q: I have a very busy schedule. How much time will I need to dedicate to this program daily? 

The Divine Destiny Accelerator is crafted for efficiency and impact, with lessons under 30 minutes and practices or meditations less than 15 minutes long. Reflections are designed to seamlessly integrate into your day. A small daily commitment can lead to profound changes without overwhelming your schedule.

Q: I'm not sure how discovering my purpose can help with my current dissatisfaction in my job. Can it really make a difference?

Absolutely. Many of us spend our careers feeling that something is missing because we haven't aligned our work with our deeper purpose. This program helps you uncover that purpose, providing clarity and direction that can transform how you view and engage with your work, leading to greater fulfillment and satisfaction.

Q: What's the investment for this program? Is it justified? 

While there is a financial investment, consider it an investment in your future happiness and career satisfaction. The cost of continuing on a path without purpose can be much higher, leading to prolonged dissatisfaction and missed opportunities. The program is priced to be accessible, with payment plans available.

Q: Can you guarantee I'll find my purpose by the end of this program? 

While individual experiences vary, the program is meticulously designed to guide you toward discovering your purpose. Participants often report significant insights and a renewed sense of direction. Your active participation and openness to the process are key to unlocking these benefits.

Q: I'm concerned that focusing on my purpose might lead me away from my current career path. Should I be worried? 

Understanding your purpose isn't about upending your life but enriching it. For many, it's about finding ways to integrate their purpose into their current roles, enhancing job satisfaction and performance. It's about evolving in a way that brings you closer to what truly matters to you.

Q: How will this program fit into my professional development? 

Employers increasingly recognize the value of employees who are engaged and aligned with their work. This program not only helps you uncover your purpose but also empowers you with the clarity and conviction to pursue your career with renewed passion and direction, qualities that are invaluable in any professional setting.

Q: What if I find out my purpose but feel stuck or unsure how to move forward? 
A key part of this program is not just uncovering your purpose but also providing you with the tools and confidence to take actionable steps towards living it. You'll learn how to navigate obstacles and make changes, big or small, to align your life with your true calling.

"There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And how you become most truly alive." 

Oprah Winfrey

97% of journeys to self-discovery begin with taking the first step.

And you're about to take yours.


Enroll Now To Get Immediate Access To Lesson 1 


Journey to Destiny: What Clients Say 


“Working with Saloua has been life changing! Saloua compassionately and lovingly helped me to uncover my limiting beliefs and step forward towards my life dreams and goals. She gently nudged me outside my comfort zone and helped me to facilitate some very big life changes. She approaches her work with joy, enthusiasm and a faith that inspires every dreamer she comes into contact with. Saloua is a powerful actualizer and a beautiful compassionate guide.”


"I thought I knew my dreams and was working towards them but after going through the program, I realized my dreams were actually much different! It was an amazing journey that has opened my eyes to my true calling!"


“I can highly recommend working with Saloua. She is intelligent,  talented, kind, passionate, knowledgeable, energetic and fun. Saloua is a great listener, as well as a skilled presenter and coach. Her passion for supporting me in moving through challenging areas where I am blocked, scared or stuck is inspiring. She is an uplifter, and her enthusiasm is contagious. Working with her put a fire under me, and I am able to grow and expand in unexpected ways. Saloua helped me get excited about my life, and working with her is a real gift.”

For The Month of February 2024 ONLY

Get FREE 1-1 Coaching with your enrollment!


After The Divine Destiny Accelerator 

🌟 Clarity of Purpose

Discover your true life's purpose, gaining a clear vision of what you are meant to do. Instead of feeling lost or stuck, you will have a roadmap for your life that aligns with your deepest values and passions.

🌟 Confidence in Decision Making

With a newfound understanding of your divine destiny, you will feel more confident in making decisions. You will no longer feel paralyzed by indecision, but instead will be empowered to take bold actions that align with your purpose.

🌟 Authentic Living

You will shed any masks you've been wearing and start living authentically. You will no longer feel the need to conform to society's expectations, and will instead live a life that is true to who you are.

"At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."

Lao Tzu